How to install latest version of Go on brainy pi

On raspbian this command works so it will work on brainy pi too :

Sudo install golang

but this is slightly older version

if you want to install latest version pls follow steps below.

Installing Latest Go package manually

1)Create a gosrc directory to download go source
2)use wget to download 19.5 arm64 for linux
source : Downloads - The Go Programming Language

mkdir ~/gosrc && cd ~/gosrc 

Step 2: Extract the Package to /usr/local

sudo tar -C  /usr/local -xzf go1.19.5.linux-arm64.tar.gz

Step 3: Configure Go

nano ~/.profile
add these lines at the end of the file

and save the file 

Step 4: Update your shell with your changes:

source ~/.profile

You should be all set

to check your go version type

go version

This confirms latest go is successfully installed